Monday, March 10, 2008

Best piece of creative work at high school – This is the painting I submitted for the HSC for Visual Arts entitled ‘The Fast Supper’. I was exploring how the common Australian practice of barbequing could be interpreted by an ‘outsider’. I attempted to portray the humorous possibility of it being interpreted as a ritualistic worship of man meat and malt through appropriation of da Vinci’s ‘The Last supper’ and use of colour.

Image of the building that inspired me to become an architect – I don’t know that I have a building that specifically inspired to become an architect; not having traveled much or been exposed to grand buildings. However constantly seeing the brown block-like UTS tower protruding through the city skyline inspired me on some level to join a profession that can prevent the creation of further unsightly buildings.

An original photograph of something beautiful – Coffee/brown elixir of life. Is there anything more beautiful? Sweet, brown, aromatic liquid which comes in many different forms, but is best drunk in large quantities from an oversized Simpsons mug. Facilitating waking up early or staying up late, it makes functioning during the day possible. That to me spells beauty.
NOLAN: icon, ambush, Australian

PICCININI: mutation, suckle, shocking

SWALLOW: time, preparing , meticulous

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